“Crosby-Schøyen Codex: ancient Coptic manuscript reveals sermon that spurred violence against Jews.” TheConversation UK, 30 May 2024.
“The Bible isn’t ‘pro-life’ — and the Old Testament God isn’t ‘more violent’ than the New one.” With Sarah E. Rollens and Eric Vanden Eykel. The Independent, 7 September 2021.
“Creativity, Critical Thinking, and the UnEssay in the Biblical Studies Classroom.” Ancient Jew Review, 11 August, 2021.
“The Good Place & Human Intervention.” Pop Culture & Theology Blog, 3 February 2020.
“Good Omens and Transformational Eating,” 7 June 2019, Pop Culture & Theology Blog.
“The Pope Wears Prada: how religion and fashion connected at Met Gala 2018,” (with Dr Katie Edwards) 8 May 2018, TheConversationUK.
“Mary Magdalene – another Easter Jesus film that’s bad news for Judaism,” (with Dr Katie Edwards) 29 March 2018, TheConversationUK.
“#MeToo Jesus: is Christ really a good model for victims of abuse?” (with Dr Katie Edwards), 14 February 2018, TheConversationUK.
“An ox, an ass … a dragon? Sorry, there were no animals in the Bible’s nativity scene,” 15 December 2017, TheConversationUK.
“‘Lead us not into temptation’: why Pope Francis is wrong about the Lord’s Prayer’, 8 December 2017, TheConversationUK.
“Why Greggs wasn’t wrong about Jesus the sausage roll,” 16 November 2017, TheConversationUK.
“Why ‘Judeo-Christian Values’ are a Dog-Whistle Myth Peddled by the Far Right,” 7 November 2017, TheConversationUK.
“Sexual Violence and Rape Culture in the New Testament,” 31 May 2017 , The Shiloh Project.
“Katie Hopkins proclaims herself ‘the Jesus of the Outspoken’ – it’s a very dangerous message,” 30 May 2017, TheConversationUK.
“Intégrer la religion dans le débat public,” France Forum 65 (2017): 20–21. [Restricted]
“What Would Jesus Eat This Easter? A First Century Menu for the Last Supper,” 13 April 2017, History Matters.
“What child is this? Miraculous births and divine parents in the time of Jesus,” 23 December 2016, TheConversationUK.
“My Flesh is Meat Indeed: Cannibalism in the Christian Imagination and John 6.” Public lecture, Off The Shelf Festival. 11 October 2016, Sheffield.
“Transformational Eating.” Public lecture, Researchers’ Night, University of Sheffield. 30 September 2016, Sheffield.
““What is Dead May Never Die: Secrets of Resurrection in the Bible and Game of Thrones,” 31 May 2016, The Independent
“What is Dead May Never Die: Secrets of Resurrection in the Bible and Game of Thrones,” 27 May 2016, TheConversationUK. ; translated into French and republished as “La résurrection vue par la mythologie grecque, la Bible et… Game of Thrones.”
“Food That’s Out of This World: Transformational Eating in Literature.” Faculty Showcase, Festival of the Arts and Humanities, University of Sheffield. 21 May, Sheffield.
Interview, “Meredith Warren on Transformational Eating in Ancient Literature,” 19 April 2016, Marginalia Review of Books
Interview, “Was Jesus Really Nailed to the Cross?” 20 March 2016, BBC Radio Sheffield.
“Was Jesus Really Nailed to the Cross?” 16 March 2016, TheConversationUK.
“Was Jesus Really Nailed to the Cross?” 17 March 2016, The Independent.
“Was Jesus Really Nailed to the Cross?” 18 March 2016, The Daily Mail
“Was Jesus Really Nailed to the Cross?” 21 March 2016, IFLScience
“The Surprising Truth About Fasting for Lent,” 10 February 2016, The Independent
“The Surprising Truth About Fasting for Lent,” 9 February 2016, TheConversationUK.
“Five Things You Didn’t Know about the Nativity Story,” 24 December 2015, Sheffield Star.
Interview, BBC Radio Sheffield, “Five Things You Didn’t Know about the Nativity Story” (Interviewed by Nick Wilson, 24 December 2015)
“What Did Jesus Look Like?” 21 December 2015, The Independent.
“What Did Jesus Look Like?” 25 December 2015, The Washington Post.
“What Did Jesus Look Like?” 21 December 2015, The New Statesman,
“What Did Jesus Look Like?” 21 December 2015, The Conversation.
“Students Think Better with Thinking Pieces: Why You Should Consider Using Low-Stakes Writing Assignments in Your Class” (with Shayna Sheinfeld) in Ancient Jew Review (2015)